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The Wonderful World ENTRANCE CaptjohnTM Parrot Long Island NY 11978-0814

Who we are and Why !

CaptjohnTM is a parrot breeder and tutor for local parrot interested people on Long Island New York.
        We love parrots as pets for a lifetime....

Our crew is organized by firstmate "CJ"  and membership committe is Harley, Harpo, and Elmo II Our communications specialist is Brando.
Come along and meet them plus Mariko, Maho, Machiko, Charlie, Jeckel and Elvis.

CaptjohnTM Parrot Breeder located in Westhampton Beach NY
                   contact us at                     captjohnTM@aol.com
                 Visit our Homepage at     www.captjohntm.tripod.com
        Direct Mail to CJ CaptjohnTM Parrot
                      PO Box 814
           Westhampton Beach NY 11978
      Our Phone for local talk is

CaptjohnTM is not a business but an advocation to encourage captive avian parrot individuals to stay connected and concerned with their parrot friends. To insure proper care from pet owners and pet stores operations.
    Learn about the parrot business and laws conerning them.
Most of all enjoy your parrot and constant reminder or the value of life.


Our Philosophy:    CaptjohnTM is a special community of parrots for our home here in Westhampton Beach. We have been raising and caring for parrots as pets since 1995. After ten years we have found that parrots are inteligent, loyal, and express themselves with great emotion. CaptjohnTM has shared its baby production with only the most aware people.
Parrots live a long time, with proper care, a very long time.
Thats our goal.

WE Love Parrots as pets. We breed and hand feed parrots to develop maximum ability to adjust to human behavior. Parrots need   CONSTANT     care and attention. Every parrot owner must accept this responsibility. Your reward is devotion and companionship for life. You will become amazed at their ability to learn and interact with your lifestyle. Plus they are all beautiful in different ways.



CaptJohnTM Parrot A Pet for a Lifetime.......
Look at our Group House Pages and Tell us About your Parrot LieTimes Experience