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 Sunday December 15 2002
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We welcome Sensei Terry Maccarrone from Long Island NY USA. Sensei Terry has a credible history within the martial arts as well as other related arts. He has had tutelage from great teachers as well as receiving instruction from ZenKarate’s sponsor Kyoshi Patrick McCarthy. Sensei Terry shares the same ideas and vision as we do at ZenKarate and so I again thank him for his time and welcome him home!

The following extract is Sensei Terry’s history and background within the martial arts:

The Karate USA dojo began as Hegashi Karate-do in 1964 where I was a student and member of the Okinawan Matsubayashi Shorin-ryu system. My Sensei was Joseph Johnson a Shodan member of the original ten blackbelts promoted by Ansei Ueshiro the organization headmaster. In 1966 I was asked to administer the dojo business operations and I was made the dojo owner. In 1969 we hosted the first visit to the USA by Matsubayashi founder Shoshin Nagamine and was accompanied by Chokotu Omine the technical advisor for kata and syllabus being reorganized.

Since there were many kata changes and reorganization of teaching methods that were required the decision to leave there Okinawan representative Chokotu Omine here in the USA was decided.

I had only studied under Ansei Ueshiro's direction I did not adopt the changes or new organization established. My dojo became one of Five Dojos that remained under the leadership of Ansei Ueshiro eventually I became the most senior student and his International representative. In 1976 I became a full time karate instructor and owner of the Ryukyus Karate Studio in Patchogue. (Ryukyus Dojo originally opened in 1966 as a split from the original Hegashi dojo)

I began active research and studied under many different methods including various kobudo systems. My background included Zen, Yoga, Bojutsu, Iaido, Aikido,Judo, Jujitsu and pioneering children's programs in karate. We also included American Sport Karate and became participants in the Metropolitan AAU (Amateur Athletic Union) then the only truly national sport organization. We created the first Junior Friendship tournaments and devised methods of fund raising demonstrations for charitable groups and organizations.

Eventually as a member or the Robert A. Trias United States Karate Association in 1982 and 1983 I traveled to Taiwan, China, Japan and Okinawa as American teaching representative. There I was able to visit the Honbu Dojo of Shoshin Nagamine and demonstrated my level as Ansei Ueshiros student. I was treated very well and respectfully.

In 1986 I traveled with senior Gojuryu Robert Choji Taiani and visited with Toguchi, Shinjo and Maesato Sensei in Okinawa and Ishikawa, Yamamoto Sensei in Japan. I was also allowed to train with Chosei Kishaba and Prof Shinzato.

In 1992 I traveled to Okinawa with Kyoshi Joseph Carbonara senior disciple of Chokotu Omine for the Anniversary Celebration of Shoshin Nagamine and demonstrated at the reception. The announcement that Takayoshi Nagamine was to become the inheritor and Soke of Matsubayashi-ryu system was formally announced.

Over three hundred American Black Belts attended that celebration and was one of the largest receptions held at that time.

Finally in 1995 I visited Okinawa and Japan with Cezar Borkowski and visited with Japanese-Canadian martial artist and writer Patrick McCarthy who was forming his International Ryukyus Research Society and self-publishing translations of various works on Goju and the Bubishi and later the translation of the Nagamine Tegumi Heroes of Okinawa.

Today I am teaching only part-time and have a small student body. I am interested in furthering my study on Budo and how to resolve conflicts using martial arts principles. I teach a nonviolent concept that develops awareness, self-confidence, and moral discipline. I want to have an opportunity to continue my study in the new media of the computer age with the limited skill that I have in this area and chose your communicator to assist that.

Respectfully yours
Terry Maccarrone
Shorin-ryu KarateUSA
Long Island NY USA
